Customized Meal Plans

Be all-in!

Our core service has always been one-on-one nutrition counseling and we’re so pleased to enhance our quality nutrition counseling with personalized meal plans in a close-contact, flexible, and effective program.

At the heart of our Meal Plan Program is customized, made-for-you meal plans that you can access from any device using our EatLove app. It’s like having a dietitian in your back pocket!

Your dietitian creates a nutrition prescription and curates a meal plan for you, considering numerous factors for customization. You can use the app for weekly menus and recipes, food logging, messaging your dietitian, and requesting monthly food journal reviews.

You’re able to swap meals and snacks, add in your own foods and recipes, and generate a grocery list from your meal plan. This level of service allows you to stay connected to your goals, your dietitian, and your health.

See the EatLove app in action!

“I’m really glad I started working with Jodi! Her guidance has helped me realize what my nutritional needs are and how to balance my eating. A game-changer has been the Meal Plan Program membership, which recommends meals based on my nutrition goals … Definitely recommend!”

-R.C., Chesapeake Nutrition Company client

Get customized meal plans today

  • Current clients can click here to add on a month-to-month Meal Plan Program membership.

  • New clients should schedule an Initial Session. Your dietitian will set up your Meal Plan Program membership during that session.

  • Your Meal Plan Program membership includes access to our meal planning app, recipes and menus with grocery lists, food logging, direct dietitian messaging, and monthly food journal reviews. This program is optional for all clients.

    Month-to-month membership - $39.00